Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Difference between Right and Wrong

Why does Mr. Wrong feel so Right? Why do girls always go for the bad boy or wrong guy and end up sad? Please!!! Mr. Right was probably met a long time ago but we pass him up because he's too nice. So we go for the more exciting and challenging type you know Mr. Wrong that treats you like well crap. Or is Mr. Wrong helping you pass the time while Mr. Right is evaluating hisself in the mirror? EGO is the number one reason in men that turn relationships ugly and stubbornness is the number reason in women that turn relationships sour. But let's also look at men and why good men go after bad girls. Is there always a power trip involved or is it simply a control feature. People who try to control other people usually have no other control in any other aspect of their lives such as jobs, kids, friends, economy, remote control, parents. So they find a weaker being, yet weaker than themselves and gain strength, control, power, domination. Isn't that what this is all about anyway? Domination? It's instinct in every animal known to man, dogs, cats, goats whatever. Male always dominates the female and she puts up a good fight but eventually she gives in. This is why I cannot marry, he tries to dominate I retaliate and put up a fight and I just cannot give in yet. Mr. Wrong may feel right but sometimes Mr. Right can be very Wrong.