Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Drs. RX

Have you gotten the chance to view this new exciting show, "The Drs."? These doctors are supposed to be our reliable and trustworthy source of information. Please don't fall for their lines. Ok so they have some cute and good looking people up there selling information that we learned in the 7th grade about nutrition and exercise and sex. The ringleader Travis, is our main host who is obviously struck more so by super stardum, since he was also once on the show "The Bachelor". He talks to the camera as if we were born yesterday. Then there's the attractive girl, not sure what her name is or ethnicity is, but pretty sure she has had a nose job. On one show she was jumping rope in high heels and bragging about it. That's safe and smart to teach people since monkey see monkey do. Her hair bugs me too it's way to long and I would like it if it was put up more tidy like than with an 80's couiffe. Next is the dopey one who doesn't say much is just kind of there and follows the circus and only speaks when spoken to. Finally, comes the mature surgeon, I think his specialty is plastic since he is always pushing it along with boob jobs. One girl from the audience asked about something regarding her breasts such as back pain caused from her large breasts, and right away the surgeon said SURGERY, that was the only solution. First of all she was totally over weight. So instead of telling her to first try some physical excercise and to strengthen her back and shoulder muscles and it will also improve her posture, nope just surgery. Now they are pushing vaccines. Watch out! I think the most absurd show was the one they had Dr. Ruth Westheimer on. OMG. They had little boxes of grass in pots and were trimming it as if it were pubic hair and telling people to trim it and how! Who does this apply to? Nevermind I don't want to know! Their headlines are rediculous, "Could u be allergic to your child?", "Are orgasms genetic?" Please no more. Please don't get sucked into this brainwashing, beligerent, bullshit! I like to watch it, just to make fun of them. Oh BTW if you get bit by a bat make sure you get your rabies shot, who the F doesn't know this? It's just a few shots no big deal. LOL. I learned that by watching the "The Drs." WOW!! Make sure you eat lots of fruits and veggies and excercise regularly now you just learned something from me! By the way, I'm pretty sure we need more good doctors and less talk show hosts and commercials. What's going on with their practices if they actually have one since they are now on TV? It would be hard for me to believe that they have given that up since they worked so hard to get there. If they have then what happened to their nurses and secretaries and all their emplyees are they collecting unemployment are the doctors contributing to our recession for their own super stardum? I'm curious and you should be too.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Prezident is back in school.

OK! So for all you brainwashed Americans out there let me break it down to you why President Obama came to Troy's Hudson Valley Community College. I know what you're thinking, "How exciting the Prezident is here Yo! IN THE CAPITAL REGION"!! This is not because we are so awesome, I assure you. Early this morning I read how Obama asked our wonderful Governor of NY, David Patterson to step down and to Please don't run again. He is killing NY. But then there's Gov. Patterson and the Prez. Obama shaking hands and doing the man hug as soon as the Prez steps off Air Force 1. OK so now the Prez gets into his limo oh wait excuse me I meant to say "Motorcade" as referred to by the news broadcasters on News channel 10. OK I won't go there. So after listening to the bullshit and reading the captions on the bottom of my screen I finally read between the lines and figured it all out so you don't have to. I heard that during the whole economic stimuli package that this mediocre college got a grant but not just any grant a federal grant that consisted of $2 million but for what you say? Going Green. They have dumped some $$$money$$$ into the school (that could really use a new parking lot by the way) and expanded it's curriculum toward innovative technology. So you see I'll bet you did not even pick up on this or read this along the bottom of the screen. Ok so the bottom line is, he is advertising for the school. DUH! He or (we) have made an investment in this school and now he needs to advertise to recoup that money well spent. Also he doesn't even want the banks to get a cut of it. I believe he called it "cut out the middle man", this will ensure that the government receives all of it's $$investment back and no one else. What's more scary is he is hitting up a sure thing like barking up the single mom tree. Why? Because we are independant and responsible and need and want a good education to rely on. GO MOM! Of course I do like the idea of larger pell grants as well as paying zero interest to a bank it does sound very appealing. HMMM maybe I should follow my dream and become a lawyer did he say his next stop will be at Albany Law School? I don't think so, maybe next time. Until then read between the lines Obama!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Men 101

Men are a lesson learned that's all. Men are complicated even though they say they are simple. Men are difficult even though they say they are easy. Men are annoying even when they say we are. When men are single they wish to be married, when men are married they wish they were single. Men are not anything like dogs...dogs are loyal and are happy when you stroke them. Men will cut the grass just to look at the grASS next door. If men can't have it they want it more. The more we do for men the less they do for us. Men are just like boys they always need toys but are scared of ours. Men always need to be in control except when it comes to their penis and stomach then they need us to feed their appetites. Men are intelligent creatures and invent so many different things but fail to put the toilet seat down... Why is this still happening?? Men and women can not be friends because something always pops up in the middle. Men are men and we need to figure them out. I don't want to really, it gives me a headache.

The Last Straw

So we've all heard this expression "that's the last straw". Is it really last draw or straw?? I've heard, "that's the straw that broke the camel's back". Well anyway, I think it is the last straw so that's what I'm going to use. This is very true in fact and never realized it until today. This summer has been full of surprises for me as some of you know my boyfriend and I broke up after 4 years. Which was the blind date that would never end I do have to admit. I can't remember the last time I even had sex. Wait... I can nevermind it just wasn't that good that's all. I was screwed on an apartment, really don't even want to get into that mess. Went to court for that already and won. My year end lease was up on my pretty nice Mazda 6 and because of the "economy" let's say, I'm without a car for the time being this did not upset me, well not too much really. Went to Fuccillo Kia got hit on by a cute married man, I liked it. But felt it was very, very wrong, bad karma. Then today of all days my XX is getting married. That's right! I mean why wouldn't he get married before ME he has four kids from four different baby mamas. I'm baby mama number 2 he has 2 more after me. Even when baby mama #3 texted me today to remind me all of this I did not lose it. I stayed strong and laughed it off. Besides it was supposed to rain anyway and my daughter threw up twice already at the salon pre-wedding. No this was not the clincher. Besides I still have my ring for when I was supposed to marry him and I made the right choice. I went grocery shopping and while I'm mulling over pears and mangos I'm happily texting my friends. Until I get home. As I'm unloading the produce I noticed leakage, not just any leakage Strawberry leakage. Uh-Oh. So I quickly grabbed a paper towel and let them do their leakage on that. Then it was then noticed by the warden, my mother. "Why do you buy rotten fruit"? She said, who looks like Ray Romano's mother. You know who I mean. As if I purposely thought to buy it. Oh here's some rotten fruit let me get that.
This was THE LAST STRAW! Yup here comes the tears and more tears and the wailing. OMG. Just stop it already. That's it I needed to get outta here. So I went and got a pedicure. AAAHHH. Much better. Better than sex, well not really but if I keep telling myself that maybe I'll forget about it. Right? Right? Captain Morgan? But my toes look adorable and they lived happily ever after together. The End ....
I'm so glad everything worked out for a happy ending, I think that's the drinks talking. CHEERS.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Difference between Right and Wrong

Why does Mr. Wrong feel so Right? Why do girls always go for the bad boy or wrong guy and end up sad? Please!!! Mr. Right was probably met a long time ago but we pass him up because he's too nice. So we go for the more exciting and challenging type you know Mr. Wrong that treats you like well crap. Or is Mr. Wrong helping you pass the time while Mr. Right is evaluating hisself in the mirror? EGO is the number one reason in men that turn relationships ugly and stubbornness is the number reason in women that turn relationships sour. But let's also look at men and why good men go after bad girls. Is there always a power trip involved or is it simply a control feature. People who try to control other people usually have no other control in any other aspect of their lives such as jobs, kids, friends, economy, remote control, parents. So they find a weaker being, yet weaker than themselves and gain strength, control, power, domination. Isn't that what this is all about anyway? Domination? It's instinct in every animal known to man, dogs, cats, goats whatever. Male always dominates the female and she puts up a good fight but eventually she gives in. This is why I cannot marry, he tries to dominate I retaliate and put up a fight and I just cannot give in yet. Mr. Wrong may feel right but sometimes Mr. Right can be very Wrong.