Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Love Me for Me

Oh- This curs-ed face of me
People expect so much from me
Can't they see I am nothing more than thee
I have the same goods as thee
Be gone and leave me be!
Can't you see I have nothing more than thee?
Trouble is this face of me
Shameful glances full of jealousy
Trusted none and hated because of beauty!
Oh- wicked face of me
This is all I have than thee
I can do no more than thee
Don't try to be me
For I have more than-
Beauty to give to thee
I have love to lend to thee
I have knowledge to give to thee
I have humor to share with thee
Now can you see me?
Without this curs-ed face of me?

This poem was written in 2006 when I was fighting with friends and family for what I have no idea I used my loneliness and energy and composed this poem. I came across it recently and thought I'd share it online. Sometimes people relate.